Table 1 of McGowan, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1984-2000.

Table 1. Primary antibodies

Below is a list of primary antibodies used for protein detection together with their animal sources, commercial sources and concentrations. Working concentrations of the corresponding secondary antibodies are listed here for convenience. Secondary antibody descriptions are listed in Table 2. All antibodies were used as described in the Methods section. The asterisk indicates Abcam, Cambridge, MA and the sharp (hash mark) indicates R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN.

                                                      Concentration (μg/ml)
                                  Source/     Cross sections          Flat mounts
                                  catalog   -------------------   -------------------
 Antibody       Description         ID      Primary   Secondary   Primary   Secondary
----------   ------------------   -------   -------   ---------   -------   ---------
Nestin       mouse, monoclonal    Abcam*     0.1         0.5       0.03        0.2
Oct-3/4      rat, monoclonal      R&D#       0.5         1.0       0.1         0.2
Pax-6        rabbit, polyclonal   Abcam*     1.3         0.2       0.2         0.2
Sox-2        mouse, monoclonal    R&D#       0.5         1.0       0.5         0.2
Telomerase   rabbit, monoclonal   Abcam*     0.75        1.3       0.6         0.4
Wnt-1        rabbit, polyclonal   Abcam*     0.25        1.3       0.07        0.2

McGowan, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1984-2000 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535