Table 1 of Kamphuis, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1892-1901.

Table 1. Number of selected features-of-interest for each experimental condition

A feature is defined of interest when: (i) having a dye log ratio corresponding to a difference of >1.7 fold change (up or down) compared to the common reference sample, and (ii) when the assigned technical error is p<0.01. The common reference sample is composed of the unoperated and sham-operated retinas. Ratio refers to the changes in the ischemic preconditioning-ischemia/reperfusion group (IPC-I/R) relative to the ischemia/reperfusion-only (I/R) group. This comparison selects for genes differentially regulated by the IPC treatment.

Treatment                Time    Total    Up    Down
----------------------   -----   -----   ----   ----
Ischemia (I/R)           1 h     254     223    31
Ischemia                 2 h     216     182    34
Ischemia                 6 h     920     592    328
Ischemia                 12 h    1300    625    675
IPC-Ischemia (IPC-I/R)   1 h     423     197    226
IPC-Ischemia             2 h     612     388    224
IPC-Ischemia             6 h     920     617    303
IPC-Ischemia             12 h    2007    873    1134
Ratio                    1 h     760     93     667
Ratio                    2 h     692     291    401
Ratio                    6 h     294     146    148
Ratio                    12 h    382     174    208

Kamphuis, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1892-1901 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535