Appendix 1 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1873-1877.

Appendix 1.

Table 1: The proteins identified in healthy human lens fibers with two-peptide match criteria. Gel indicates the number of runs in which the protein was identified in three SDS-PAGE-RPLC/MSMS experiments. 2D-LC indicates the number of runs in which the protein was identified in three 2D-LC (SCX-RP) experiments. SN shows the number of spectra for the identified protein in correspondence to Gel or 2D-LC. Accession numbers highlighted with yellow are the proteins that were identified by previous lens proteome works. Coverage percentage was calculated based on the percentage of the proteins sequence covered by the identified peptides. Count column indicates the number of spectra assigned to the indicated peptide. The asterisks indicate the methionines that were oxidized to methionine sulfoxides.

Table 2: The proteins identified in healthy human lens fibers with a single peptide of multiple hits. Gel indicates the number of runs in which the protein was identified in three SDS-PAGE-RPLC experiments. 2D-LC column shows the number of runs in which the protein was identified in three 2D-LC (SCX-RP) experiments. SN column shows the number of spectra for the identified protein in the corresponding SDS-PAGE-RPLC or 2D-LC methods. Accession numbers highlighted yellow are the proteins identified by previous lens proteome work and collected in the Swiss-Prot database. Coverage percentage was calculated based on the percentage of the proteins sequence covered by the identified peptides. The Count column gives the number of spectra assigned to the indicated peptide. The asterisks indicate the methionines that were oxidized to methionine sulfoxides.

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Zhang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1873-1877 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535