Table 2 of Lupien, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1828-1841.

Table 2. Summary of gene expression profile of human Müller cells subtracted cDNA library

Asterisk represents percentage of genes from each category (compared to the 194 selected cDNAs). Double asterisk represents number of genes obtained once redundant genes were subtracted (number of genes in each category minus the number of redundant genes in the same category.)

           Category of cDNA                 N     (%)*    N-redundancy**
----------------------------------------   ---   ------   --------------
Total cDNAs generated                      248                 248
cDNAs selected for further analysis        194   (100%)        194
cDNAs matching with known human genes      102   (53%)          72
cDNAs matching with hypothetical protein   19    (10%)          19
cDNAs matching with human ESTs             22    (11%)          22
cDNAs matching with non-human ESTs         12    (6%)           12
cDNAs matching with human genomic clones   20    (10%)          20
Novel Müller cells cDNAs                   19    (10%)          19

Lupien, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1828-1841 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535