Table 4 of Redmond, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1813-1821.

Table 4. Effect of variation at residue 457 and 459 on RPE65 isomerase activity of transfected 293-F cells

Interchange of isoleucine and threonine at aa457, and methionine and valine at aa459 has no differential effect on isomerase activity of RPE65. 1Production of 11-cis retinol 2Calculated as percentage of wildtype value.

   Name        activity2    S.D.   N
------------   ----------   ----   -
dWT/T457I        116.6      15.4   4
dL450M            62.7       2.6   4
dL450M/T457I      74.8       9.4   4

mWT/I457T        119.8      10.1   4
ml450M            44.8       1.8   4
ml450M/I457T      44.0       5.1   4

dWT/V459M         93.0       3.5   4
dL450M            66.5       5.7   4
dL450M/V459M      66.8       6.8   4

mWT/M459V         94.3       3.0   4
ml450M            38.3       7.2   4
ml450M/M459V      41.4       8.2   4

Redmond, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1813-1821 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535