Table 3 of Redmond, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1813-1821.

Table 3. Effect of R/K substitution at aa446 of RPE65

Interchange of lysine for arginine at aa446 of dog RPE65 increases isomerase activity, while interchanging arginine for lysine at aa446 of mouse RPE65 reduces isomerase activity. 1Production of 11-cis retinol. 2RPE65 immunoreactive protein. 3Calculated as percentage of wildtype value.

               Isomerase1           RPE652
    Name       activity3    S.D.   Protein3   S.D.   N
------------   ----------   ----   --------   ----   -
dWT/R446K        119.9      3.6     131.4     12.5   3
dL450M            73.9      4.9      85.4     12.4   3
dL450M/R446K      93.9      8.7      90.1     18.2   3

mWT/K446R         81.3      5.7     102.6     23.3   3
ml450M            40.4      3.8      71.1      8.5   3
ml450M/K446R      37.7      8.3      91.4     14.1   3

Redmond, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1813-1821 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535