Table 2 of Redmond, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1813-1821.

Table 2. Effect of L450M mutation on RPE65 activity and expression

Mutation of aa450 from leucine to methionine reduced activity of dog RPE65 (dL450M) less than that of mouse (mL450M), while protein expression of each was reduced by a similar level. 1Production of 11-cis retinol. 2RPE65 immunoreactive protein. 3Calculated as percentage of wildtype value.

         Isomerase1           RPE652
 Name    activity3   S.D.   Protein3   S.D.   N
------   ----------   ----   --------   ----   -
dL450M      71.2      7.3      55.9     11.6   4

ml450M      44.4      7.5      59.5     15.9   4

Redmond, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1813-1821 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535