Table 2 of Mott, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1802-1812.

Table 2. Number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in mouse cornea

Corneas from each group of mice were harvested and combined as described in Methods. Single cell suspensions of corneas were reacted with mAbs to 7ADD/CD4/CD8 and the number of CD4+, or CD8+ cells and 7ADD- cells were sorted using a MoFlo (Dako). In the table, "ND" indicates not determined and n=the number of total mice corneas used in each group.

                            Cells/total corneas       cornea
                          -----------------------   -----------
Mouse strain     Age         CD4+         CD8+      CD4+   CD8+   Total
------------   --------   ----------   ----------   ----   ----   -----
ICR            19 month   306 (n=44)   495 (n=44)    7.0   11     25000
ICR             4 weeks   209 (n=66)    54 (n=66)    3.2    0.8    7575
BALB/c          8 weeks   802 (n=50)   109 (n=50)   16      2.2   16666
C57BL/6         8 weeks   164 (n=80)   119 (n=80)    2.0    1.5   13750
SCID            8 weeks    ND (n=20)    ND (n=20)    ND     ND     8750

Mott, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1802-1812 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535