Table 1 of Hogewind, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1793-1801.

Table 1. Primer sequences and polymerase chain reaction conditions for amplifying three exons of MYOC

For sequencing of exon 1, two nested primers were used: 3F (5'-AGT GGC CGA TGC CAG TAT AC-3') and 3R (5'-CTG GTC CAA GGT CAA TTG GT-3'). A similar method was used to sequence exon 3, the two nester primers were: 10F (5'- ATA CTG CCT AGG CCA CTG GA-3') and 10R (5'- CAA TGT CCG TGT AGC CAC C-3'). Exon 2 was sequenced with the same primers used for PCR. All the primers were obtained from the literature [37].

                                                               Annealing           Amplicon
                                                              temperature   Mg2+     size
Exon    Forward primer (5'-3')      Reverse primer (5'-3')       (°C)       (mM)     (bp)
----   -------------------------   ------------------------   -----------   ----   --------
1      1F-GGCTGGCTCCCCAGTATATA     6R-CTGCTGAACTCAGAGTCCCC        58        2.0      782
2      7F-AACATAGTCAATCCTTGGGCC    7R-GAATAAAGACCACGTGGGCAC       52        2.0      237
3      8F-TTATGGATTAAGTGGTGCTTCG   13R-AGCATCTCCTTCTGCCATTG       58        2.5      872

Hogewind, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1793-1801 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535