Table 1 of Guven, Mol Vis 2007; 13:12-17.

Table 1. Demographic data of primary open angle glaucoma patients and disease-free controls used in this study

A total of 265 Turkish subjects were examined. No significant difference was observed in respect to gender or age between glaucoma (144 patients) and healthy controls (121 patients). Data for age is expressed as mean±standard deviation and range of the ages. Data for gender is number with percentages in parentheses.

                Glaucoma   Control
                 group      group     p-value
-------------   --------   --------   -------
Number          144        121

Gender                                 0.40
Male, n (%)     70 (49)    66 (55)
Female, n (%)   74 (51)    55 (45)

Age (years)
Mean±SD         61.3±S6.9  59.1±S5.8   0.21
Range           48-79      51-75

Guven, Mol Vis 2007; 13:12-17 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535