Table 9 of Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163.

Table 9. Aggregate statistical summaries for populations screened for M98K

The ancestry groups are collated for China: Chen et al. [14] and Fan et al. [15]; Japan: Alward et al. [11], Funayama et al. [16], Fuse et al. [17], Tang et al. [20], and Umeda et al. [21]; Europe: Alward et al. [11], Aung et al. [12], Baird et al. [13], Jansson et al. [32], Melki et al. [18], Rakhmanov et al. [33], Rezaie et al. [9], and Weisschuh et al. [22]. Asia is the pooling of the China and Japan categories. The total combines all published studies from the lines above with the addition of Craig et al. [38], Hauser et al. [36], Mukhopadhyay et al. [19], Sripriya et al. [39], Wiggs et al. [23], and Willoughby et al. [24]. The Europe-NTG group consists of the data from Alward et al. [11], Aung et al. [12], Baird et al. [13], Rakhmanov et al. [33], and Weisschuh et al. [22]. Results from computing the upper and lower 95% confidence interval bounds around the odds ratio indicate that some studies are statistically different than an odds ratio of 1. The Woolf test for homogeneity indicated that across studies within each ancestry group which of the odds ratios were statistically equivalent (i.e., heterogeneity is indicated by a p value less than 0.05 [25]). A two-sided Fisher's exact test on the pooled frequencies is given for those instances when the Woolf test indicated homogeneity at the 0.05 level. When Rezaie et al. [9] data are excluded the Europe group, then the odds ratio becomes 1.33 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.90, 1.98), Woolf p value of 0.512, and a Fisher's exact test p value of 0.072.

                 OAG          Controls         Percent                 95% CI bounds     Woolf     exact
             ------------   -------------  ---------------    Odds    ---------------    test       test
 Ancestry    M98K   Total   M98K   Total   OAG    Controls   ratio    Lower    Upper    p value   p value
----------   ----   -----   ----   -----   ----   --------   ------   -----   -------   -------   --------

China        155     518    103     431    29.9     23.9      1.26    0.94     1.70      0.354     0.04
Japan        220    1208     77     661    18.2     11.6      1.65    1.25     2.19      0.046       -
Asia         375    1726    180    1092    21.7     16.5      1.46    1.19     1.79      0.075     0.0006
Europe       131    1873     48    1276     7.0      3.8      1.87    1.31     2.66      0.005       -

Total        600    4871    277    3167    12.3      8.7      1.51    1.29     1.77      0.002       -

Japan-NTG    142     705     77     661    20.1     11.6      1.91    1.40     2.62      0.240      2E-5
Europe-NTG    28     371     24     544     7.5      4.4      1.77    0.97     3.24      0.149     0.58
Total-NTG    170    1076    101    1205    15.8      8.4      1.75    1.33     2.31      0.177      6E-8

Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535