Table 6 of Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163.

Table 6. Comparison of R545Q frequency in different populations

The asterisks denote a calculation based on adding 0.5 to each cell in cases with a zero cell frequency, otherwise the value is nonexistent. Lower and upper bounds refer to the individual study 95% confidence interval around the odds ratio for a fixed effects Mantel-Haenszel model. Information from Leung et al. [35] were omitted because it duplicated that contained in Fan et al. [15]. Data from Toda et al. [37] were omitted because it duplicated information contained in Tang et al. [20]. In the Europe category, only the data regarding Caucasians (Iowa and Australia) in Alward et al. [11] were enumerated, while the reported cases with pigmentary, developmental, and exfoliative data were omitted.

                    OAG          Controls          Percent                 95% CI bounds     exact
               -------------   -------------   ---------------    Odds    ---------------    test
   Source      R545Q   Total   R545Q   Total   OAG    Controls   ratio    Lower    Upper    p value
------------   -----   -----   -----   -----   ----   --------   ------   -----   -------   --------


[14]             5      118      5      150     4.2     3.3       1.28    0.36      4.54     0.753
[15]            27      400     19      262     6.8     7.3       0.92    0.50      1.70     0.876


[11]            12      247      3       89     4.9     3.4       1.46    0.40      5.31     0.767
[16]            26      411     11      218     6.3     5.0       1.27    0.62      2.62     0.596
[17]             1      154      0      100     0.6     0.0       1.96*   0.08*    48.69*    1.000
[20]            20      313     10      196     6.4     5.1       1.27    0.58      2.77     0.700
[21]             3       83      4       58     3.6     6.9       0.51    0.11      2.35     0.446


[This study]     2        6     11      117    33.3     9.4       4.82    0.79     29.36    0.122


[This study]     0      217      -       -      0.0      -         -        -        -        -
[11]             0      650      0      162     0.0     0.0        -        -        -        -
[13]             0       27      0       94     0.0     0.0        -        -        -        -
[9]              1       46      0      100     2.2     0.0       6.63*   0.26*   165.80*   0.315
[22]             0      112      -       -      0.0      -         -        -        -        -


[This study]     0       81      0       90     0.0     0.0        -        -        -        -


[19]             6      200      0      200     3.0     0.0      13.40*   0.75*   239.49*   0.030


[23]             0       86      0       80     0.0     0.0        -        -        -        -
[24]             1      114      3      187     0.9     1.6       0.54    0.06      5.28    1.000

Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535