Figure 2 of Chang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1548-1554.

Figure 2. Representative fundus photographs and fluorescein angiographies of affected individuals

A: Fundus photograph from III:8, showing pigmentary deposits in the peripheral retina and waxy pallor of the optic disc. B: Fluorescein angiography from III:8, showing pigmentary deposits. C: Fundus photograph from IV:5, showing central macular atrophy, waxy pallor of the optic disc but scarce pigmentation. D: Fluorescein angiography from IV:5, showing retinal pigment epithelium atrophy, chorioretinal atrophy, and macular atrophy. E: Fundus photograph from proband III:4, showing waxy pallor of the optic disc, obvious attenuation of retinal arteries, and typical bone-spicule pigmentation distributed in the peripheral retina as well as in the middle and macular regions. F: Fundus photograph from IV:2, who had developed high myopia, but had no changes in the retina.

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Chang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1548-1554 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535