Table 4 of Bosley, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1516-1528.

Table 4. Non-synonymous mitochondrial DNA sequence changes detected in control subject

This table assesses each nucleotide change in controls not previously found to be haplogroup-specific polymorphism as described in Methods. "Transversion" is a mutation in which a purine/pyrimidine replaces a pyrimidine/purine base pair or vice versa (G:C>T:A or C:G, or A:T>T:A or C:G), and "Transition" is a mutation in which a purine/pyrimidine base pair is replaced with a base pair in the same purine/pyrimidine relationship (A:T>G:C or C:G>T:A). "Controls (%)" represents percent of controls with this nucleotide substitution. "Heteroplasmy (%)" represents percent of mutant DNA present. "NA" represents not applicable because the nucleotide change was always found in homoplasmic state. To determine novelty, previous reports of sequence variants were found in the MITOMAP database, the human mitochondrial Genome database, GenBank, and Medline listed publications. Interspecies conservation was assessed using PolyPhen which determines interspecies conservation for an altered amino acid by performing alignment with all available amino acid sequences for other species, and the Mamit-tRNA website when necessary. Protean predicts and displays secondary structural characteristics. "Yes" indicates nucleotide change will alter protein secondary structure; "No" indicates change will not alter secondary structure. PolyPhen prediction of pathogenicity was assessed utilizing the PolyPhen database. "Probably damaging" constitutes a high confidence of affecting protein function or structure. "Possibly damaging" reflects a likelihood of affecting protein function or structure, while "Benign" changes most likely lack phenotypic effect. "Unknown" means that PolyPhen could not make a prediction due to lack of data. The Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant website (SIFT) returns predictions for which amino acid substitutions will affect protein function. "Yes" means an amino acid change is predicted to affect protein function, while "No" means the amino acid change is not predicted to affect protein function. Summary: A sequence variant was considered potentially pathologic if it satisfied all the following conditions, where possible: it changed a moderately or highly conserved amino acid; Protean predicted an alteration of protein structure; it was predicted by SIFT to have an effect on protein function; and it was assessed as possibly or probably pathogenic by PolyPhen.

Nucleotide       AA                            substitution    Controls   Heteroplasmy          Interspecies
substitution   change         Location            type          (%)          (%)        Novel   conservation   Protean   Polyphen   SIFT       Summary
------------   ------   --------------------   ------------   --------   ------------   -----   ------------   -------   --------   ----   --------------
4012 A>G       T236A    Functional domain of   Transition     0.6        NA             No      High           Yes       Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        ND1 gene
4013 C>G       T236S    Functional domain of   Transversion   0.6        NA             No      High           Yes       Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        ND1 gene
4734 A>G       T89A     Outside the TM         Transition     0.6        NA             No      Low            Yes       Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of ND2 gene
4904 C>A       I145M    Outside the TM         Transversion   0.6        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of ND2 gene
5263 C>T       A265V    Outside the TM         Transition     4.4        NA             No      Low            Yes       Benign     Yes    Non-Pathologic
                        domain of ND2 gene
5913 G>A       D4N      Outside the TM         Transition     3.1        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of COI gene
6040 A>G       N46S     Outside the TM         Transition     1.9        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of COI gene
7278 T>C       F459L    Outside the TM         Transition     0.6        NA             No      High           No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of COI gene
7369 C>G       S489C    Outside the TM         Transversion   0.6        NA             No      Moderate       Yes       Benign     NA     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of COI gene
7646 A>C       I21L     Outside the TM         Transversion   0.6        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of COII gene
8587 G>A       V21M     TM domain of ATPase    Transition     0.6        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        6 gene
9104 T>C       F193S    Outside the TM         Transition     0.6        NA             Yes     Moderate       No        Benign     Yes    Non-Pathologic
                        domain of ATPase 6
9300 G>A       A32T     TM domain of COIII     Transition     3.1        NA             No      Moderate       Yes       Benign     Yes    Non-Pathologic
9337 T>C       M44T     TM domain of COIII     Transition     3.8        NA             No      Low            Yes       Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
9539 A>T       Q111H    Outside TM domain of   Transversion   1.3        NA             No      Low            Yes       Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        COIII gene
9667 A>G       N154S    Outside TM domain of   Transition     6.9        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        COIII gene
9822 C>T       L206F    TM domain of COIII     Transition     1.3        NA             No      High           No        Benign     Yes    Non-Pathologic
9966 G>A       V254I    TM domain of COIII     Transition     0.6        NA             No      Moderate       No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
10079 A>C      L7F      TM domain of ND3       Transversion   1.3        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
13811 C>G      A492G    TM domain of ND5       Transversion   0.6        NA             No      Low            Yes       Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
14562 C>T      V38I     TM domain of ND6       Transition     0.6        NA             No      High           No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
14582 A>G      V31A     TM domain of ND6       Transition     8.2        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
14831 G>A      A29T     Outside the TM         Transition     1.9        NA             No      Low            No        Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
                        domain of CYTB gene
14862 C>T      A39V     TM domain of CYTB      Transition     0.6        NA             No      Low            Yes       Benign     No     Non-Pathologic
15267 C>A      T174N   Outside TM domain of   Transversion   0.6        NA             No      High           Yes       Benign     Yes    Non-Pathologic
                       CYTB gene
15617 G>A      V291I   TM domain of CYTB      Transition     1.3        NA             No      High           No        Benign     Yes    Non-Pathologic

Bosley, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1516-1528 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535