Figure 5 of Scheef, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1483-1495.

Figure 5. Scratch wound and transwell migration assays of CEC

Confluent monolayers of wild type or TSP1-/- CEC (A) were wounded and wound closure was monitored after 72 h and photographed in digital format. Please note that the wild type CEC migrated and covered the wound, while significant area of the wound remains uncovered in TSP1-/- CEC. B shows the migration of wild type and TSP1-/- CEC through a transwell as described in Methods. A significant decrease in the mean number of TSP1-/- CEC migrating through the filter compared to the wild type cells was observed (p<0.05). These experiments were performed at least twice with two different isolations of CEC.

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Scheef, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1483-1495 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535