Table 1 of Rizzolo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1259-1273.

Table 1. Comparison of hybridization to the microarray with reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction

The change in expression between the indicated ages was measured by quantitative or semi-quantitative RT-PCR or by hybridization to the microarray. Agreement between the two methods is indicated by a plus (+); disagreement is indicated by a minus (-). NDE indicates not detected by either method. HMA indicates only detected by hybridization to microarray.

                                          for PCR
    mRNA      E7-E10   E7-E10   E7-E10    analysis
-----------   ------   ------   ------   -----------
Claudin 1     +        +        +        [16], This
Claudin 2     +        +        +        [16]
Claudin 3     NDE      NDE      NDE      [16]
Claudin 4     NDE      NDE      NDE      [16]
Claudin 4L2   +        +        +        [16]
Claudin 5     +        +        +        [16]
Claudin 10    HMA      HMA      HMA      [16]
Claudin 11    +        +        +        [16]
Claudin 12    +        +        +        [16]
Claudin 15    NDE      NDE      NDE      [16]
Claudin 20    +        +        +        This report
JAM-B         NDE      NDE      NDE      [18]
JAM-C         NDE      NDE      NDE      [18]
Par 3         +        +        -        [18]
Par 6         +        +        +        [18]
AF-6          -        +        +        [18]
ZO-1          +        +        +        This report
ZO-2          +        +        +        This report
ZO-3          +        +        +        This report
GLUT 1        +        +        +        [71]
GLUT 2        NDE      NDE      NDE      [71]
GLUT 3        +        +        +        [71]

Rizzolo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1259-1273 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535