Table 1 of Lin, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1203-1214.

Table 1. Information on postmortem donor eyes

Known ocular history is from information provided by the eye banks. The postmortem interval time is the approximate hours from time of death to time of tissue processing or freezing at -80 °C. RD represents retinal degeneration; MD represents macular degeneration; nd represents not determined.

                       Known ocular   Postmortem
 Donor    Age/Gender     history1     interval2
-------   ----------   ------------   ----------
CV-008       73/F      none               27
CA-050       73/F      none               75
CA-066       59/M      RD                 42
Y-005        20/F      none               22
Y-116        18/M      none               37
Y-214        21/M      none               45
CA-0022      77/F      none               nd
960105       69/M      MD (eyebank)       34

Lin, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1203-1214 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535