Table 1 of Maier, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1198-1202.

Table 1. Clinical data on study groups

Comparison of clinical data on study groups showing that patients with keratoconus (group 2) were younger than patients in study group 1 and 3 whereas patients in group 1 received more topical anesthesia than patients in group 2 and 3. The asterisk indicates a p<0.05 (t-test or χ2 test).

                                                                     Kind of
                                                      Topical/     anesthesia
                                                      systemic      topical/
                                   Age       Female   steroid     retrobulbar/
            Group                (years)      (%)       (n)        general (%)
-----------------------------   ----------   ------   --------   ---------------
Group I (n=38)                  76.3± 8.8      42        0       92.1/ 5.3/ 2.6*
Group II (n=15)                 36.6±13.9*     40        0        0  /46.7/53.3
Group III (n=66)                63.4±16.0      56        3        0  /66.7/33.3
   Fuchs dystrophy (n=16)       74.4± 7.8      75        0        0  /93.7/ 2.3
   Repeat KP (n=16)             55.7±14.3      50        1        0  /56.3/43.7
   Bullous keratopathy (n=11)   71.7±11.7      36        1        0  /63.6/36.4
   Herpetic eye disease (n=6)   62.8±14.7       3        0        0  /83.3/16.7
   Corneal scars (n=3)          38.3±27.3      50        0        0  /33.3/66.7
   Various indications (n=14)   58.7±14.8      71        1        0  /50  /50

Maier, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1198-1202 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535