Figure 8 of
Liang, Mol Vis 2007;
Figure 8. Immunohistological images in the saline- or LPS-instilled corneal injury models
Immunohistological images of the saline-instilled incision (A,C) or LPS-instilled incision (B,D), saline-instilled scraping (E,G) or LPS-instilled scraping (F,H), and saline-instilled suture (I,K) or LPS-instilled incision (J,L) immunostained by antibodies to TLR4/MD2 (A,B,E,F,I,J), and TUNEL assay (C,D,G,H,K,L). Nuclei are counterstained in red by propidium iodide or in blue by DAPI. Note that in LPS plus incision model (B,D), even though there were more cells in the stroma than in the saline-instilled eyes (A,C), they were not positive for inflammatory or apoptotic markers. However, in the scraping (E to H) or suture (I to L) models, the immunopositive cells for TLR/MD2 or TUNEL were consistently more abundant in the LPS-receiving eyes (F,H,J,L) than in saline-instilled eyes (E,G,I,K). Note the neovascularization in I and J.