Table 3 of Lu, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1154-1160.

Table 3. Results from ophthalmic investigations of family members affected by autosomal dominant congenital cataract

"Age (years)" column indicates the age when ocular measurements were recorded. In the "Age at cataract operation (years)" column, the asterisk indicates that cataract surgery has not been carried out. Lens phenotypes were documented by dilated slit lamp examination. In Family 1, individuals II:1, III:2, 3, IV:3, and 4 had horizontal and pendular nystagmus. Moreover, strabismus were also observed in individuals II:1, III:3, IV:3, and 4. Abbreviations are: BCV, best corrected vision; and FC, finger count/30 cm.

                            Age at
                           cataract        BCV
           Sex     Age     operation   ------------
 Member    M/F   (years)    (years)    right   left   Nystagmus   Strabismus
--------   ---   -------   ---------   -----   ----   ---------   ----------
Family 1
  II:1      F      68         58        FC     0.05      yes         yes
 III:2      M      40         26        0.1    0.1       yes         no
 III:3      M      36         22        0.05   0.1       yes         yes
 III:4      M      30         16        0.4    0.2       no          no
  IV:1      F      15          2        0.6    0.6       no          no
  IV:2      F      12          2        0.7    0.6       no          no
  IV:3      M      14          *        0.1    0.1       yes         yes
  IV:4      M      10          *        0.1    0.1       yes         yes

Family 2
  II:1      M      40          2        0.3    0.5       no          no
 III:1      F      20          2        0.6    0.7       no          no
 III:2      M      15          2        0.6    0.6       no          no
 III:3      F      10          *        0.3    0.1       no          no

Lu, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1154-1160 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535