Table 1 of Lu, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1154-1160.

Table 1. Results from genome-wide linkage screening in Family 1

The maximum non-parametric linkage score (NPL) and logarithm of odds score (LOD) were summarized in this table. Five linkage-peak regions were identified in chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 15, and 17. The flanking single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of each linkage-peak interval were shown in "flanking SNPs" column. Additional microsatellite markers were selected for genotyping in the five regions.

             Affymetrix 10 K chip   Linkage-peak interval              Microsatellite markers selected
Chromosome   --------------------   ----------------------              from linkage peak region for
  number     Max NPL      Max LOD       flanking SNPs        size      genotyping and further mapping
----------   -------      -------   ----------------------   -----   -----------------------------------
     1         4.9          1.8     rs3122425 to rs2341709   57 Mb   D1S2130, S2134, S1669, S1665,
                                                                     S1728, S551, S1588
     3         4.9          1.8     rs1822813 to rs2138212   80 Mb   D3S2409, S1766, S1285, S2406,
                                                                     S2465, S2459, S3045, S2460,
     4         4.6          1.8     rs2866796 to rs1388070   48 Mb   D4S2623, S2394, S1644, S1625, S1629
    15         4.9          1.8     rs1964562 to rs2380165   13 Mb   D15S653, S652
    17         4.6          1.8     rs718993 to rs1320283    30 Mb   D17S921, S805, S1294, S1293, S966,
                                                                     S1299, S1868, S787

Lu, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1154-1160 <>
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ISSN 1090-0535