Table 2 of Yao, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1066-1072.

Table 2. The percentage of RGCs(Thy1.1+/Hoechst) and proliferating cells(BrdU+/Hoechst) in three different groups

Comparison of the influence of Math5 on RGCs production(Thy1.1+/Hoechst) and cell proliferation(BrdU+/Hoechst) among three different groups.

Group     RGCs %         F          P      Proliferating cells %    F       P
-----   ----------   ----------   ------   ---------------------   ----   -----
 A      30.85±6.28   71.10        <0.001        29.65±4.96         0.02   0.980
 B      15.84±3.55                                 29.48±5.42
 C      16.22±3.60                                 29.75±5.50

Yao, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1066-1072 <>
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