Figure 1 of Jiang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:968-974.

Figure 1. Effect of CD8+ T cells from anterior chamber-associated immune deviation mice on the expression of impaired Ag-specific delayed type hypersensitivity in vivo

Purified CD8+ T cells from splenocytes were used as regulator cells. Regulator cells and ovalbumin (OVA)-primed responder cells were prepared 14 days after antigen injection. The regulator cells and responder cells were mixed 1:1 in the presence of OVA and transferred to the ear pinnae of naïve C57BL/6 mice. As a negative control, naïve spleen cells were used as responder cells and purified CD8+ T cells from untreated mice were used as regulatory cells. Primed spleen cells were used as responder cells, and purified CD8+ T cells from untreated mice were used as regulatory cells for a positive control. Ear swelling was measured at 24 h. Mean±SEM ear-swelling responses are presented (n=5). The asterisk indicates a p<0.05, and NS denotes a p>0.05. The experiments were repeated twice with similar results.

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Jiang, Mol Vis 2007; 13:968-974 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535