Figure 2 of Yin, Mol Vis 2006; 12:858-866.

Figure 2. Lateral geniculate nucleus controls-Y-block

This figure contains negative controls, positive immunostaining and counterstaining for sections obtained from the lateral geniculate of a Y-block cat, as well as comparison of counterstaining with normal cat. A: Negative control from the left LGN of Y-block cat using an IgE control as the primary antibody and no counterstaining. Magnification 40x. B: Higher magnification (100x) of section in Panel A. C: Positive cat-301 antibody labeling from the left LGN of Y-block cat, with no counterstaining. Magnification 40x. D: Higher magnification (100x) of section in Panel C. E: Negative control, counterstained with cresyl violet from the left LGN of Y-block cat. Magnification 40x. F: Negative control and counterstained with cresyl violet from the left LGN of normal cat, for comparison. Magnification 400x. The scale bar shown in Panel E applies to all six panels and represents 1 mm for Panels A,C,E; 400 μm for Panels B,D; and 100 μm for Panel F.

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Yin, Mol Vis 2006; 12:858-866 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535