Table 3 of Zhuk, Mol Vis 2006; 12:811-815.

Table 3. VMD2 sequence variants found in the study subjects

This table shows the DNA sequence variants found within the gene encoding Bestrophin (VMD2). No sequence variation was consistent with being a mutation. The protein sequence is numbered following NP_004174 and the nucleotide sequence following NM_004183. Asterisk represents complex variation: c.819[-19C>A]+[-19_-18ins(TCC)3].

 Nucleotide    Amino acid    Number of                     Homozygous      Heterozygous
 variation     variation    patients (%)    Subjects        subjects          refSNP
------------   ----------   ------------   -----------   ---------------   ------------
c.23C>T          None        1  (9.09%)                  7
c.213T>C         L37L        8 (72.7%)     4             1,3,7,6,9,11,12    rs1800007
c.317C>T         S71S        1  (9.09%)                  7
c.323C>A         I73I        1  (9.09%)                  1                  rs1109748
c.586-24C>T      None        6 (54.5%)                   1,3,4,6,11,12      rs760306
c.740+28C>T      None        4 (36.3%)                   5,6,8,9
c.819-19*        None        1  (9.09%)                  10                 rs1805182
c.1052+79G>A     None        1  (9.09%)                  7
c.1127C>T        P341P       1  (9.09%)                  11                 rs1801390
c.1514G>A        T470T      10 (90.9%)     1,8,9,11,12   3,4,5,6,7
c.1661C>T        S519S       5 (45.5%)                   3,5,8,11,12
c.1712T>C        T536T       7 (63.6%)     4             1,3,5,6,11,12

Zhuk, Mol Vis 2006; 12:811-815 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535