Table 2 of Yang, Mol Vis 2006; 12:511-517.

Table 2. Mel290 VEGF and PEDF mRNA levels after supplemental angiostatin

In vitro the level of VEGF and PEDF mRNA (mean±SEM) was determined by real time RT-PCR. When Mel290 cells were grown in vitro in the presence of the supplemental angiostatin the level VEGF and PEDF mRNA and ratio of VEGF to PEDF mRNA level (mean±standard deviation) was less than when they were grown in media alone. VEGF and PEDF mRNA values are normalized to β-actin according to Pfaffl's mathematical model for relative quantification in real time PCR [23].

 Groups        VEGF/PEDF       VEGF/β-actin    PEDF/β-actin
-----------   -------------   -------------   -------------
Angiostatin   0.1222±0.0237   0.0269±0.0056   0.2200±0.1131
PBS           0.6817±0.0401   0.0484±0.0770   0.0711±0.0169
-----------   -------------   -------------   -------------
p value       0.00346         0.08717         0.2068

Yang, Mol Vis 2006; 12:511-517 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535