Figure 1 of Dash, Mol Vis 2006; 12:499-505.

Figure 1. Haplotyping of polymorphic markers on chromosome 15q

The affected mother (II9) genotyped "CT" for rs1128933 within MAN2C1 and the inferred haplotype of the normal father (II8) is "CC" based on the paternal haplotype inherited by (III25) and (III27). The "C" allele of rs1128933 is associated with the disease haplotype. II9 has passed the "C" allele to all of her affected offspring except (III23). III23 is therefore recombinant at the MAN2C1 locus, whereas III21 is not recombinant at this locus. Thus affected parent (II9) and offspring infer that the disease gene is distal of rs1128933 in the MAN2C1 gene. The disease haplotype inherited from the affected parent is shown by vertical bars.

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Dash, Mol Vis 2006; 12:499-505 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535