Appendix 1 of Karring, Mol Vis 2006; 12:451-460.

Appendix 1.

Summary of identified human cornea proteins in gene expression libraries. The dataset of 141 proteins identified in the human cornea is compared with cornea cDNA libraries and SAGE lists. In the table, the identified proteins are categorized in functional groups according to their function: structural, blood/plasma, metabolism, immune defense, redox, folding and degradation, other, and unknown. The table summarizes the results of the comparisons; proteins that were recognized in existing corneal gene expression data are indicated.

To access this data, click or select the words "human cornea proteins". This will initiate the download of a compressed (zip) archive. This file should be uncompressed with an appropriate program (the particular program will depend on your operating system). Once extracted, you will have a folder (or directory) containing one data file. The file is tab delimited text; most spreadsheet programs will import files in this format.

Karring, Mol Vis 2006; 12:451-460 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535