Table 5 of Medvedovic, Mol Vis 2006; 12:422-440.

Table 5.

Gene Ontology (GO) categories of the gene cluster displaying a strong uniform increase in relative mRNA levels of regenerating lens compared to intact control lens.

                     of genes                                                    False
                      in the                                                   discovery
 Main GO category    category                  Gene category                     rate
------------------   --------   --------------------------------------------   ---------
Biological Process      17      Response to biotic stimulus                     1.0E-06
                        16      Defense response                                1.2E-06
                        14      Immune response                                 3.3E-06
                         7      Humoral immune response                         3.3E-06
                        10      Response to pest/pathogen/parasite              2.4E-05
                        18      Response to external stimulus                   3.9E-04
                         4      Complement activation                           1.6E-03
                        11      Cell adhesion                                   2.1E-03
                         4      Humoral defense mechanism (sensu Vertebrata)    2.3E-03
                         3      Antigen processing                              3.3E-03
                        11      Response to stress                              4.7E-03
                         3      Antigen presentation                            5.1E-03
                         3      Complement activation, classical pathway        5.1E-03
                         4      Angiogenesis                                    6.2E-03
                         4      Blood vessel development                        1.0E-02
                         2      Antigen presentation, exogenous antigen         1.2E-02
                         2      Antigen processing, exogenous antigen via       1.2E-02
                                MHC class II
                         2      Cell wall catabolism                            1.6E-02
                         2      Regulation of angiogenesis                      3.0E-02
                         2      Cytolysis                                       4.9E-02

Cellular Component      45      Extracellular                                   4.7E-11
                        41      Extracellular space                             2.0E-10
                        13      Extracellular matrix                            1.1E-06
                         2      Complement component C1q complex                1.9E-03

Molecular Function      10      Glycosaminoglycan binding                       7.9E-10
                         9      Heparin binding                                 5.7E-09
                         4      Complement activity                             4.3E-04
                         9      Cell adhesion molecule activity                 1.9E-03
                         6      Defense/immunity protein activity               1.9E-03
                         2      Lysozyme activity                               4.2E-03
                         3      Scavenger receptor activity                     9.5E-03
                         2      MHC class II receptor activity                  1.0E-02
                         5      Endopeptidase inhibitor activity                1.2E-02
                         5      Protease inhibitor activity                     1.2E-02
                         6      Enzyme inhibitor activity                       1.9E-02
                        10      Enzyme regulator activity                       1.9E-02
                         2      Integrin binding                                4.1E-02
                         2      Insulin-like growth factor binding              6.7E-02
                         2      Antimicrobial peptide activity                  6.7E-02
                        24      Signal transducer activity                      6.7E-02

Medvedovic, Mol Vis 2006; 12:422-440 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535