Figure 2 of Gu, Mol Vis 2006; 12:26-31.

Figure 2. Photographs of affected individuals of this family

The photographs of the affected individuals VI:1 (A) and IV:7 (B) showed that the opacities were irregular and look similar to sea coral, with crystal clumps radiating from the center to the capsule of both lenses, while the photograph of affected individual IV:1 (C) showed opacities located mainly in the nuclear area of both lenses and pulverulent opacities in the perinuclear areas, which is different from the coralliform cataract. A and B: There was no obvious progressive development in this family, since affected individual VI:1 and IV:7 have similar lens opacities at ages 5 and 38, respectively. The lens opacification was observed when affected individual VI:1 was 1 year old (no opacification at 3 months of age).

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Gu, Mol Vis 2006; 12:26-31 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535