Table 1 of Flynn, Mol Vis 2006; 12:271-282.

Table 1. Comparative determination of bovine lens epithelial cell polyol content in galactose-maintained and galactose-free cultures

Confluent monolayers of BLECs were maintained in MEM or galactose (Gal) with or without Sorbinil, 17α-estradiol, or 17β-estradiol for 3 days. The data are expressed as nmol polyol/mg protein and represents single determinations from two individual flasks of cells±SD. The asterisk indicates a significant increase in polyol content relative to control cells.

                of polyol
 Culture        (nmol/mg
conditions      protein)
----------   ---------------
Control        36.3 ±   4.1
Gal           282   ± 114.9*
Gal+ARI        10.1 ±   3.2
Gal+17a-E2    216.4 ±  34.5
Gal+17b-E2    213.9 ±  36.3

Flynn, Mol Vis 2006; 12:271-282 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535