Figure 13 of
Kuszak, Mol Vis 2006;
Figure 13. A comparison of fiber maturation patterns in Y, line, and umbilical suture lenses
Fiber maturation, which includes the elimination of most cytoplasmic organelles including the nucleus, occurs only after a developing fiber has reached both of its sutural destinations [29]. In umbilical suture lenses, literally all of the fibers in a forming growth shell, reach their sutural destinations, the anterior (C) and posterior pole (D), almost simultaneously. Thus, fiber maturation in these lenses is accomplished at the same time in all fibers across a growth shell. In marked contrast, in Y and line suture lenses, fibers likely reach their anterior (C) and posterior (D) sutural destinations at many different times. Thus, in lenses with branched suture patterns (columns 2 and 3), fiber maturation would be accomplished gradually across growth shells in distinct patterns emanating from the center of suture branches and proceeding as bidirectional latitudinal ripples or waves toward the poles and the equator (A-E). In point of fact, in branched suture lenses, fiber maturation would begin (A; fiber with the greatest amount of end curvature having reached both its sutural destinations rendered a darker color value) even before a complete growth shell has been formed.