Table 1 of Nallathambi, Mol Vis 2006; 12:236-242.

Table 1. Clinical features of study subjects affected with congenital optic nerve malformation

This table describes the clinical diagnosis of 27 sporadic probands affected by a variety of congenital optic nerve malformations. "ONH" refers to optic nerve hypoplasia, "ODC" and "MGS" indicates optic disc coloboma and morning glory syndrome, respectively. "DMS" designate De-Morsier's syndrome. In the "best vision" column, "LP" refers to light perception; "NLP" indicates no light perception. In the "systemic findings" column, "NA" refers to not available and "HT" indicates hypothyroidism. The asterisk designates the cases with PAX6 mutations identified in this study. "HM" refers to hand motions.

                    Best vision                   Diagnosis
   Study    Age/    -----------   -----------------------------------------   Systemic
   Cases    Sex      RE     LE            RE                    LE            findings
   -----   ------   ----   ----   -------------------   -------------------   --------

    1-1      8/M    1/6    5/6    Nystagmus             Nystagmus               DMS
    2-1      4/M    6/60    HM    Nystagmus             Micro cornea,           NA
    3-1     11/M    6/60   4/60   Nystagmus             Nystagmus               NA
    4-1*     4/M    3/60   3/60   Pupil-poor reactive   Pupil-poor reactive     DMS
                                  in light              in light
    5-1      7/M    1/60   6/6    Latent nystagmus      Normal                  NA
    6-1     6m/M     -      -             --                    --              DMS
    7-1      4/M    5/60   2/60   Myopia, horizontal    Myopia, horizontal      NA
                                  jerky nystagmus       jerky nystagmus
    8-1     17/F    3/60   3/60           --                    --              NA
    9-1      9/F     HM     HM            --                    --              HT

    1-1      2/F    6/60   6/60   Microcornea           Microcornea              -
    2-1     8m/M     -      -     Nystagmoid            Nystagmoid               -
                                  movements             movements
    3-1     15/M    2/60   2/60   Microphthalmos,       Microphthalmos,          -
                                  Nystagmus             Nystagmus
    4-1     18/M    3/60    PL    Microphthalmos,       Microphthalmos,          -
                                  Nystagmus             Nystagmus
    5-1*     6/M     HM     HM            --                    --               -
    6-1     4m/M     -      -     Anophthalmos                  --               -
    7-1      1/M     -      -     Microcornea/          Microcornea/             -
                                  microphthalmos        microphthalmos
    8-1     11/F    6/18   2/60   Optic disc pit                --              NA
    9-1     10/M    NLP    NLP    Microphthalmos        Microphthalmos           -
   10-1     10/M    6/60    -     Myopic fundus,        Anophthalmos             -
   11-1      1/F     -      -     Normal                Microphthalmos           -
   12-1      1/F     -      -     Microphthalmos,               --               -
   13-1      5/M     -     6/6    Severe                Normal                   -
   14-1     8m/M     -      -     Microphthalmos,       Microphthalmos,          -
                                  Nystagmus,            Nystagmus,
                                  Telecanthus           Telecanthus

    1-1      3/M    6/9     HM    Normal                MGS, ODC                 -
    2-1    18m/M     -      -     Normal                MGS, ONH                 -
    3-1      7/M     -      -     MGS, ODC, cataract    Severe                   -
    4-1     11/F    6/60   6/6    MGS, ODC              Normal                   -

Nallathambi, Mol Vis 2006; 12:236-242 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535