Table 3 of Xiao, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1692-1698.

Table 3. Expression of the Wnt signaling related genes

 GenBank                                                                     Expression
accession                                          Expression   Expression     ratio
 number      Symbol              Title               at E10       at E12     (E12/E10)
---------   --------   -------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
NM_008055   Fzd4       Frizzled homolog 4             7.01         4.85        -4.47
NM_010700   Ldlr       Low density lipoprotein        9.37         7.33        -4.10
NM_008601   Mitf       Microphthalmia-associated      7.38         5.38        -4.0
                       transcription factor
NM_018761   Catnal1    Catenin alpha-like 1           6.95         4.98        -3.90
NM_012030   Slc9a3r1   Solute carrier family 9        7.62         6.04        -2.99
                       exchanger), isoform 3
                       regulator 1
NM_009974   Csnk2a2    Casein kinase II, alpha        6.04         4.81        -2.34
                       2, polypeptide
NM_029933   Bcl9       B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9          6.71         5.55        -2.22
NM_008057   Fzd7       Frizzled homolog 7             6.93         5.79        -2.21

Xiao, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1692-1698 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535