Figure 13 of Linberg, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1674-1686.

Figure 13. Confocal micrograph of an HC outgrowth from a plexus of processes in the distal OPL

Confocal micrograph of an HC outgrowth from a plexus of processes in the distal OPL. The tissue was triple labeled with antibodies against calretinin (red channel), neurofilament (green channel) and calbindin D (blue channel). The outgrowth (arrow) and the OPL processes from which it arises are red in color whereas the processes and perikarya of A-type HCs are white to bluish in hue. This image is one in a series of 46 optical sections harvested at 0.3 μm intervals that are compiled as an AVI movie loop. Image Pro Plus software was used to digitally crop the image and to create the AVI file.

Note that the slide bar at the bottom of the quicktime movie can be used to manually control the flow of the movie. If you are unable to view the movie, a representative frame is included below.


This animation requires Quicktime 6 or later.
Quicktime is available as a free download.


(19 K)

Linberg, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1674-1686 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535