Table 1 of Micera, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1594-1600.

Table 1.

Clinical, histopathological, and molecular data of the seven patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) enrolled in the study. The calculation of total symptoms (itching, tearing, photophobia, and foreign body sensation) and signs (hyperemia, mucous discharge, papillae, and corneal features) scores were as described in detail in Methods. The sharp (hash mark) indicates the presence of corneal ulcer. Healthy conjunctiva showed a Ct mean value of 30, while GAPDH Ct values ranged between 19-21. In the "Tβ4 protein E/S" column, the epithelial (E) and stromal (S) immunoreactivity scores are as follows: absent; +, slight; ++, intense; +++, very intense. The asterisk indicates realtime PCR: Threshold cycles (Ct) mean values. The mRNA expression is inversely proportional to the Ct, at normalization.

                                                      Tβ4      Tβ4
          Gender/    Signs    Symptoms              protein   mRNA
Patient     Age     (score)   (score)    VKC form     E/S     C(t)*
-------   -------   -------   --------   --------   -------   -----
   1       M/11       12#        12       tarsal    +++/++    17,32
   2       F/11        4          5       tarsal    +++/++    31,11
   3       F/25        5          5       mixed      ++/++    20,80
   4       M/12        6          7       mixed     +++/+++   18,63
   5       M/22        6          5       tarsal    +++/++    22,71
   6       M/14       11#        12       tarsal    +++/++    16,80
   7       M/12        8          3       tarsal    +++/++    21,74

Micera, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1594-1600 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535