Table 2 of Nickerson, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1565-1585.

Table 2. Primer sets for RT-PCR and for the construction of in situ probes

These primers were used the reverse transcriptase-coupled PCR experiments. Other primers were used in the construction of probes for in situ hybridization. Primer3 [69] was used toredict suitable primers. Tm represents the melting temperature.

A. Primers for RT-PCR for Gene 1-specific mRNA in situ probe

                                                  product size
Primer ID      Sequence (5'-3')          Tm          (bp)
---------   ------------------------   ------    --------------
 gn1fwd     AGGAGGATTTGGCGGGAAAA       65.02         1529
 gn1rev     AACTGCCTGATTGGGAATCGAA     65.05

B. Primers for RT-PCR for Gene 2-specific mRNA in situ probe

                                                 product size
Primer ID     Sequence (5'-3')           Tm         (bp)
---------   ------------------------   ------   ---------------
   F3        gatgttcatcgcgctcatca      63.32         532
   R4        gcagtgtctgaatggctgat      58.83

C. Primers for RT-PCR spanning the intergenic region between Gene 1 and Gene 2

                                                  product size
Primer ID       Sequence (5'-3')         Tm          (bp)
---------   ------------------------   ------    --------------
   F1       ttacgactcttccagatgtgcttg   55.2         1098
   R3       ggtttgccaactgagtctgcttc    56.8

Nickerson, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1565-1585 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535