Figure 2 of Klintworth, Mol Vis 2006; 12:159-176.

Figure 2. Chromosomal deletions and replacements

This diagram depicts how anomalous chromosomal crossovers in the region of the CHST5 and CHST6 genes, caused by mispairing due to homologous areas, lead to chromosomal deletions and replacements. A: Alignment of region A, CHST5, region B, and CHST6 on paired chromosomes. B: Alignment of region A with region B due to homologous areas spanning approximately 1-2 kb on either side of regions A and B (boxed area). C: Double crossover upstream and downstream from mis-paired regions A and B. D: Single crossover downstream from mis-paired regions A and B. E: Chromosome with region A replaced by region B upstream from CHST5. F: Chromosome with region B replaced by region A upstream from CHST6. G: Chromosome with one copy of CHST5 preceded by region A, a second copy of CHST5 preceded by region B, and one copy of CHST6 preceded by region B. H: Chromosome with CHST5 and region B deleted leaving only region A upstream from CHST6.

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Klintworth, Mol Vis 2006; 12:159-176 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535