Table 2 of
Chen, Mol Vis 2006;
Table 2. CFH haplotype comparisons among caucasians, Japanese, and Chinese
All haplotypes with a frequency of >1% in our study population are displayed. Frequencies of corresponding haplotypes in Caucasians and Japanese were referred to the reports of Hageman et al. (2005) [12] and Gotoh et al. (2006) [25]. The AMD cases in Hageman et al [12] included geographic and exudative AMD. Cases for Japanese [25] and Chinese were exudative AMD only. H1 in Caucasians was non-significantly associated with AMD between cases and controls, haplotype frequency was not available. pcorr represents corrected p value by permutation test (number of iterations equals to 10,000). NS represents non-significant. N/A represents not available.