Table 1 of
Chen, Mol Vis 2006;
Table 1. CFH single nucleotide polymorphysm association with exudative age related macular degeneration
At each single nucleotide polymorphysm, the allele or genotype which has a higher frequency in cases was listed above the rest allele or genotypes. Asterisk (*) represents odds ratio compared the likelihood of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in individuals with two copies of the risk allele versus individuals with no copy of the risk allele. Vertical arrow (+) represents odds ratio compared the likelihood of AMD in individuals with one copy of the risk allele versus individuals with no copy of the risk allele. Christ symbol (++) represents odds ratio compares the likelihood of AMD in individuals with two copies of the risk allele versus individuals with only one copy of the risk allele. The p values <0.05/6=0.0083 (Bonferroni correction) was considered as statistically significant. NS represents non-significant. pcorr values were obtained after adjustment for multicomparison.