Appendix 1 of
Paez, Mol Vis 2006;
Appendix 1.
This appendix contains three tables of supplementary information for this article. The first (primers.txt) lists the gene specific primers used for cDNA amplification. The second (normalization.txt) is a contingency table containing the number of spots contained in any region of interest before and after global normalization, sub-grid normalization, sub-grid normalization followed by MLE scaling, and sub-grid normalization followed by MAD scaling. The third (expression.txt) is the complete set of genes preferentially expressed in retina in retina-brain comparisons at a false discovery rate of 10%.
To access this data, click or select the words "Paez appendix". This will initiate the download of a compressed (zip) archive. This file should be uncompressed with an appropriate program (the particular program will depend on your operating system). Once extracted, you will have a folder (or directory) containing three raw data files. The files are tab delimited text. Most spreadsheet programs will import files in this format.