Table 3 of Sharif, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1040-1047.

Table 3.

Amplification and confirmation of human 5HT receptor mRNAs. The data shown were used to confirm the identity of the 5HT receptor mRNA being detected in human ocular tissues relative to the positive control tissues (human brain and lung).

                        PCR     enzyme used
           Positive   product     for PCR      Endonuclease
  5HT      control    length      product        digestion
receptor    tissue     (bp)     verification   products (bp)
--------   --------   -------   ------------   -------------
   2A       Brain       277         Bcl1       193, 85
   2B       Lung        432        HaeIII      348, 84
   2C       Brain       288        HaeIII      38, 150, 100
   3        Brain       393         Aci1       126, 267
   4        Brain       398         Alu1       310, 88
   5        Brain       486         Alu1       38, 60, 388
   6        Brain       198         Pst1       73, 125
   7        Brain       772         Bcl1       312, 171, 289

Sharif, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1040-1047 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535