Table 1 of Messina-Baas, Mol Vis 2006; 12:995-1000.

Table 1.

Highly polymorphic markers used in the test of paternity. Probability of random coincidence is 1.01x10-11. All markers were identical in the patients and their father.

           in Hispanic
 Marker    populations
--------   -----------
CSF1PO       0.0465
TPOX         0.0023
THO1         0.0365
FESFPS       0.0789
F13A01       0.0800
VWA          0.0052
D16S539      0.0620
D7S820       0.0014
D13S317      0.0028
FGA          0.0050
D89S1179     0.0710
D18S51       0.0260
D3S1744      0.0090
F13B         0.1100
HPRTB        0.0320

Messina-Baas, Mol Vis 2006; 12:995-1000 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535