Table 4 of Valverde, Mol Vis 2006; 12:902-908.

Table 4.

Allele frequencies of the most prevalent mutations in the ABCA4 gene in distinct European populations of Stargardt disease patients.

             disease       Allele
Mutation    population    frequency    Reference
--------   ------------   ---------   -----------
G1961E     Slovenian       21%        [22]
           Italian         13%        [22]
                           10%        [25]
           German          12%        [18]
           Dutch           11%        [22]
           Spanish          6.57%     This report

G863A      Dutch/German    18.75%     [16]
           English          3.6%      [17]
           French           2.8%      [34]
           Spanish          0.6%      This report
                            3%        [20]
           Italian          0%        [23]

R1129L     Spanish         14.47%     This report

Valverde, Mol Vis 2006; 12:902-908 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535