Figure 1 of Maeda, Mol Vis 2006; 12:885-891.

Figure 1. Dark-adapted ERG responses

ERG b-wave responses were recorded from three mice in each group at increasing intensities (-3.7 to -1.4 log cd s m-2) employing the electrophysiologic system UTAS E-3000 in order to evaluate retinal function. On day 21 post-immunization, no difference was observed in ERG b-wave amplitudes in mice treated with PBS only (-R64/-CTLA4 antibody), mice treated with only anti-CTLA4 antibody (-R64/+CTLA4 antibody), and in mice treated with only R64 peptide (+R64/-CTLA4 antibody). Conversely, in the +R64/+CTLA4 antibody treated mice, there was a significant loss in ERG b-wave amplitude (p<0.05). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Statistical analysis was carried out using the one way ANOVA test.

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Maeda, Mol Vis 2006; 12:885-891 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535