Table 1 of Cai, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1-14.

Table 1. Adult human retinal pigment epithelium cells donor information

Human eyes (age range 48 to 82 years) obtained from the National Disease Research Interchange were enucleated within 7 h and ahRPE were processed within 30 h of donor death.

            Death to      to ahRPE
           enucleation   extraction      Age
Tissues     time (h)      time (h)     (years)   Gender   Cause of death
--------   -----------   -----------   -------   ------   --------------
Sample 1       7             23          48        F      cardiac arrest

Sample 2       3.5           18          68        M      cardiomyopathy

Sample 3       7             19          75        M      interstitial

Sample 4       7             17          82        M      myocardial

Cai, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1-14 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535