Table 2 of Fuchsjager-mayrl, Mol Vis 2005; 11:811-815.

Table 2. Effects of timolol on blood pressure and pulse rate in the three groups

Administration of timolol had no significant effect on blood pressure or pulse rate in either of the three groups. Data are presented as percent change from baseline (means±SD).

     Measurement     Arg16/Gln27   Gly16/Gln27   Gly16/Glu27
    --------------   -----------   -----------   -----------

2 h after administration

    Systolic         -1.0 ±  6.9   -1.1 ±  6.1    0.3 ±  7.2
    blood pressure

    Diastolic        -2.2 ±  7.7   -1.9 ±  7.1   -2.7 ±  7.5
    blood pressure

    Pulse rate       -3.1 ± 10.2   -1.1 ±  9.2   -2.2 ± 10.9

4 h after administration

    Systolic         -3.2 ±  7.4   -1.4 ±  5.6   -1.9 ±  6.9
    blood pressure

    Diastolic        -4.4 ±  7.0   -3.8 ±  6.1   -4.9 ±  8.0
    blood pressure

    Pulse rate       -5.7 ±  9.7   -5.3 ± 10.4   -5.0 ±  9.0

Fuchsjager-mayrl, Mol Vis 2005; 11:811-815 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535