Table 3 of Mukhopadhyay, Mol Vis 2005; 11:792-797.

Table 3. Frequency distribution of the Met98Lys variant allele

Frequency distribution of variant alleles coding for Met98Lys in POAG and NTG patients in different population groups of the world. The table highlights the variability in the reported studies on the relative frequency of the allele coding for 98Lys among the population groups consisting mostly of Caucasians, east Asian, and south Asian. Such variability in the allelic distribution might be due to different gene pools in the population groups which determine the interaction of OPTN with other proteins contributing to the pathophysiology of the disease.

Population   POAG (%)   NTG (%)   Controls (%)   References
----------   --------   -------   ------------   ----------
Australia       7.4       0.0          3.2          [26]
Canada         12.2       0.0          3.9          [25]
France          4.6       0.0          4.5          [24]
Germany         0.0       6.3          7.0          [31]
Morocco        10.7       0.0          8.3          [24]
UK              4.4      10.6          3.2          [22]
USA             1.8      11.8          4.3          [14]
USA             5.1       5.3          7.2          [21]
USA             9.0       0.0         10.0          [23]

China          28.6       0.0         24.6          [27]
Japan          16.9      15.4          5.0          [30]
Japan          17.0      22.1         16.5          [29]
Japan          13.3      19.6         13.8          [28]

India          11.0       0.0          5.5         Present

Mukhopadhyay, Mol Vis 2005; 11:792-797 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535