Table 2 of Mukhopadhyay, Mol Vis 2005; 11:792-797.

Table 2. Distribution of the Arg545Gln variant

Variable distribution of Arg545Gln in open angle glaucoma (OAG) patients and controls in different population groups of the world. Among the population groups from consisting mostly of Caucasians a single study [14] reported the presence of the variant allele, coding for 545Gln, among the OAG patients. However, the frequencies of the variant allele in the OAG patients and controls were comparable among east Asians except for one study [30] that observed this variant in an NTG patient and not in the controls. Our study on Indian POAG patients identified the variant allele only among the patients similar to the original report [14] that implicated OPTN in open angle glaucoma.

                 Variants present
                    (%, total)
Population    Patients      Controls    References
----------   -----------   ----------   ----------
Australia    0.00   (27)   0.00  (94)      [26]
Canada       1.51   (66)   1.63 (184)      [25]
Germany      0.00  (112)   0.00 (100)      [31]
UK           0.00  (315)   0.00  (95)      [22]
USA          0.00   (86)   0.00  (80)      [23]
USA          0.09 (1048)   1.19 (251)      [21]
USA          2.17   (46)   0.00 (100)      [14]

China        6.72  (119)   8.73 (126)      [27]
Japan        0.06  (154)   0.00 (100)      [30]
Japan        6.32  (411)   5.04 (218)      [29]
Japan        6.38  (313)   5.10 (196)      [28]

India        3.00  (200)   0.00 (200)    Present

Mukhopadhyay, Mol Vis 2005; 11:792-797 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535