Table 5 of Cameron, Mol Vis 2005; 11:775-791.

Table 5. Condition-specific transcripts of 3 d post-lesion retina

The table lists, ranked in descending order, the fifty most condition-specific transcripts of 3 d post-lesion retina.

 GenBank                                                              log2
accession                                                            signal
 number                          Gene product                        ratio
---------   ------------------------------------------------------   ------
AF273481    granulin 2                                                5.6
BC053292    matrix metalloproteinase 9 (mmp9)                         4.2
BI533115    EST                                                       3.9
AA497156    complement component C7 precursor                         3.6
BC049326    suppressor of cytokine signaling 3                        3.3
BI474827    EST                                                       2.9
BE605423    EST                                                       2.8
AW421190    Mac-2-binding glycoprotein precursor                      2.8
NM_178437   keratin 18                                                2.8
CD605142    EST                                                       2.8
BC042321    hemoglobin α adult-1                                      2.8
AF029250    α-tubulin                                                 2.7
AW279637    cathodic hemoglobin β                                     2.7
CD606274    EST                                                       2.7
AF029250    α-tubulin                                                 2.7
BQ131778    proto galectin Gal1-L2                                    2.5
BC045371    activating transcription factor 3                         2.5
NM_131020   ba1 globin                                                2.4
CD283300    EST                                                       2.4
AW116698    EST                                                       2.4
BC049344    major vault protein                                       2.4
AW115602    tubulin, α 8 like (tuba8l)                                2.4
BQ264005    EST                                                       2.4
AF375477    granulin-A precursor                                      2.3
AW281815    EST                                                       2.3
NM_131219   achaete scute homolog A (asha)                            2.3
AI496901    EST                                                       2.3
BI888926    EST                                                       2.2
AY289607    progranulin-1 progranulin-2 antisense transcript          2.2
NM_131375   proteasome activator subunit 1 (psme1)                    2.2
NM_131760   thymidylate synthase (tyms)                               2.2
AW420565    EST                                                       2.2
AI943053    EST                                                       2.2
AI964296    tetraspanin 3                                             2.2
AW078022    EST                                                       2.1
BC053229    actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1B (arpc1b)    2.1
CA471167    EST                                                       2.0
CD605001    EST                                                       2.0
BI672168    complement component 4A preproprotein                     2.0
BC049461    capping protein (actin filament), gelsolin-like           1.9
BM571713    EST                                                       1.9
BI318167    EST                                                       1.9
AI793887    EST                                                       1.9
AL913978    EST                                                       1.9
BM531631    heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor precursor          1.9
BE605692    transcription factor AP-1 (Proto-oncogene c-jun)          1.8
BM141327    EST                                                       1.8
BC049493    thioredoxin interacting protein                           1.8
NM_131341   growth associated protein 43 (gap43)                      1.8
BM775254    EST                                                       1.8

Cameron, Mol Vis 2005; 11:775-791 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535